Saturday, June 20, 2009

Almost Done

I have been reading the book “The Terrors That Comes in the Night” and am almost done with it. I have gotten to the point in the book where I ask myself many different questions. The book is about a study into the foundation of the Old Hag effect, or to some could be considered a combination of narcoleptic type sleep paralysis, and sleep induced hallucinations. One thing that concerns me is that the book points out some paralysis induced hallucinations that are not involved with sleep. The author of the book, David J. Hufford points out the evidence that these hallucinations are group experienced at times (meaning that many people see the same thing) and sometimes the experiences are very similar in a short amount of time.

Though our brains are very similar chemically, why is that some people experience the same thing when having what is considered an altered state type hallucination? Why is there such thing as group experienced hallucinations? Not many studies have gone into the mechanisms of these experiences as well as documenting hallucinations in general but it’s not hard to find related experiences in forums as well as historical documents, you just need to know where to look. R and I have been researching this topic for many years now and have both become greatly interested in it as we have and currently experience symptoms of NT and the Old Hag syndrome at times. I have managed to greatly reduce my symptoms but I still experience the traumatic fear that comes from a long history of being tormented while asleep. It’s also hard for me and many others to remember the experience as these processes occur at times where our brains ability to remember is greatly reduced.

The book produces a great amount of support into the reasons why we should research these sleep induced hallucinations and the distinct differences between each one as each one has been misdiagnosed through history as being either one of the other, just a bad dream, or even supernatural attacks. We should all focus on the research when approaching this topic and be very sympathetic with those who are troubled while asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man!

    That book sounds interesting. I had no idea that it touched on group hallucinations as well! What on earth is going on here?!?

    This world is certainly one whacky place.

