[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]
"One of the things that’s so striking about shamanism in the native context is the absence of mental illness."
"Every step into freedom contains within it the potential for greater bondage."
"We now have no choice in the matter of business as usual. There will not, apparently, be business as usual."
"You either have a plan, or you are a part of somebody else’s plan."
"The psychedelic sets you at the beginning of the path, and then people do all kinds of things with it."
"We are reaping the fruits of ten thousand, fifty thousand years of sowing of the fields of mind. And it is being dropped into our laps for us to create human-machine interfacing, control of genetic material, redefinition of social reality, re engineering of languages, revisioning of the planetary ecology, all these things fall upon us."
"I’m fascinated by hallucinations. I mean, to me that is the sina qua non that you’re getting somewhere."
"If you actually look at the etymology of the word ‘hallucination’, what it’s come to mean in English is a delusion. But what it really means in the original language is to wander in the mind. That’s the meaning of ‘hallucination’, to wander in the mind."
"For unknown reasons, there is a tremendous concentration of psychoactive plants on the South American continent. The South American continent has more known hallucinogens than the rest of the planet combined."
"Patanjali specifically says that there are three paths to the goal of yoga. And they are, control of the breath, control of posture, and light-filled herbs. It says it right there. Stanza 6 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali."
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