Although L is the one who read Peopled Darkness, I found a link to an audio interview of J.D. Arthur. The interview was conducted in a podcast by the name of Shamanic Freedom Radio. The image to the right is directly from their website.
Link: http://shamanicfreedomradio.podOmatic.com/entry/2008-12-15T12_22_22-08_00
Best Wishes
Great info ill have to read it tomorrow.
Ok, I just listened to the podcast. However, I felt that I learned more about the host than I did about J.D. Arthur or his book. I suppose I should have listened to it before I posted haha.
Yeah I just finished it. The most I learned from the podcast was that the host was Irish and his "rut" that hes in... not sure what that's all about. Still a good podcast about someone who most people don't know.
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